It can be used inside or outdoors, in any climate. Our thermally modified timber is the ideal foundation and the perfect material for an ecological and healthy way of designing, building and living. All lumber is sorted according our specific and strict requirements. Hardwoods we get from our American and EU suppliers.
Thermally modified lumber. Low oxygen content prevents the wood from burning at these high temperatures. Several different technologies are introduced using different media including nitrogen gas, steam and hot oil. A thermowood eljárás egy drága és összetett hőkezeléses művelet, mely során a fából kivonnak minden olyan anyagot, ami miatt nem tud ellenállni a kültéri viszontagságoknak. Terjednek a különböző szabadtéri faburkolatok.
Ezek részben valamilyen műanyaggal telítettek, de van olyan is ami a természetes állapothoz közelebb áll (pl: thermowood ) Engem inkább az utóbbiak érdekelnek, szeretem a természetes dolgokat. Ez idáig a terasz burkolata. A thermowood fenyő és thermowood kőris falburkolat széles profil palettája talán nálunk kapható a legnagyobb választékban, így rengeteg megoldást kínálnak ezen hőkezelt burkolatok, a hézagosan rakott rombusz profil ami egy modern ház fényét tovább emeli ki, vagy a 185mm széles hőkelet – kefézett STH profilú falburkolat. More and more people today, when choosing construction materials, prefer to use products made from natural woo vs products made from chemicals and artificial materials. In our production softwoods (Redwood and Whitewood) we use mainly from Finnish PEFC-certified sawmills.
It also reduces the cupping and warping found when using standard lumber and creates less shrinking. Give us your contact information, and we will send you an offer or provide you with further information about our products. Located in the Bolu Gerede Industrial Area, the Novawood plant produces 10mof novathermowood lumber and 600mof novathermowood finished goods annually. DOWNLOAD THE FREE EBOOK Understanding CNC Routers A CNC Router is designed to greatly improve cut quality, cycle times and accuracy by automating your process and creating a safer environment. The patented process is based on a gradual thermal modification, in which the chemical and physical properties of wood change permanently.
Exterior cladding and outdoor construction. During the heat treatment, chemical and structural changes occur within the timber which alter and improve some of its basic characteristics. The resulting product is an altogether more durable and stable timber, an ideal cladding material for use in exposed areas such as external walls. A hőszigetelés fa tartószerkezete átfordulva a. Wpc teraszburkolatok, kíváló minőségben. Green Deck wpc teraszburkolatok már féle színben.
Tartós és környezetbarát burkolatok, felületkezelés nélkül. Thanks to its superior dimensional stability it provides unlimited landscaping opportunities. This stability is due to the removal of resin compounds during the heat treating process. LunaComp is a new, innovative and durable wood composite decking product.
It has a patented production process that combines stable thermowood fibres with high quality polymers resulting in an attractive, low maintenance timber decking with a natural feel and contemporary look. Lunawood - Love for the Forest. The surface is smooth and hard with little or no splintering. Durability is achieved by heat treatment and steam.
![Thermowood vélemény Thermowood vélemény](
The secret fix system is very easy to install. The thermal modification process utilises only high temerature and steam (up to 2celcius). It gets its uniform brown colour from the extreme heat process it goes through.
If exposed to direct sunlight without any surface treatment it will. Kényelmes ki- és beszállást biztosít a VitalSpa masszázsmedence külső fa burkolatával harmonizáló fa lépcső.
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