ISFORMULA returns TRUE when a cell contains a formula and FALSE if not. Remember that you can temporarily display all formulas in a worksheet with a keyboard shortcut. To extract and display a formula, use the FORMULATEXT function. It will test a specified cell to see if it contains a formula.
If it does contain a formula, then it will return TRUE. EXCEL ONLINE: How to Format All Cells Containing. Conditional formatting formula with IF , AND. How to use ISFORMULA () as a criteria for SUMIF function?
Function IsFormula (cell_ref As Range) IsFormula = cell_ref. Mindenesetre a Microsoft nem könnyítette meg a felhasználók dolgát, mivel párhuzamosan léteznek a függvények magyar , angol vagy akár német megfelelői. CUBO Returns the number of items in a set.

Az angol ISFORMULA () függvény nyelvre van lefordítva. Minden más nyelv az angol függvény megnevezést használja. Checks whether there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula, and returns TRUE or FALSE. Reference is a reference to. Say Ahas a formula and you want to check that.
An alternative is to create a quick UDF, and use the custom function in the worksheet. Is there an alternative way to test for a formula without using code or user defined functions? This video is unavailable. The ISERROR function checks whether a value is an error and returns TRUE or FALSE.