The new WIZZ service will be operated twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Never miss a good deal Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about new routes and special offers. The flights will run twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays, with prices as low as euro one way.
For a full list of flights to Israel, click here. I know no one has a crystal ball but when is the optimum time for tickets to be released via wizz air to Eilat from Luton, U. Book cheap flights to Israel. Find the lowest fare available for your selected destination and discover Israel with Wizz Air. A Wizz Air, Európa leggyorsabban növekvő, egyben Közép- és Kelet-Európa legnagyobb diszkont légitársasága ősztől újraindítja szezonális járatait Eilatba, immár az izraeli város új repülőterére. Eilat népszerű nyaralóhely Dél-Izraelben, a Vörös-tenger partján.
Această pagină apare pentru că am detectat un browser neactualizat sau incompatibil. Pentru a naviga în continuare pe wizzair. Eilat is Israel’s most southern city, a busy port and popular resort at the northern tip of the Red Sea. The city’s beaches, coral reefs, nightlife and desert landscapes make Eilat a popular destination for international tourists –, especially during Winter time.
This year, the seasonal flights will start earlier, on October 1. Between October and 2 the airline will operate two flights per week, every Tuesday and Saturday, and between October and March 2 there will be three flights per week, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Wizz Air has added a new route to the Lithuanian capital. Starting this winter season Wizz air will fly from Eilat (Ovda) to Riga, Katowice, Prague and Bucharest! All these routes will be launched between October and November!
Tickets for these new routes are already on sale. Arrivals will be to terminal only. Please make sure where your car is located. Check in for the flight starts hours before schedule departure time.

Planned additional new routes include the following. Wizzair today announced it will two new routes to Eilat! Fly from Sofia or Budapest to Israel’s most southern city, a busy port and popular resort at the northern tip of the Red Sea. From the week of 29OCT1 planned new routes as follow.
Zpáteční letenky do této destinace najdete v rezervačním systému Wizzu za ceny již od 5Kč při využití členství ve WDC. Eilat nu e cine stie ce, dar este o poarta de intrare excelenta spre niste locuri cu adevarat superbe. Ganditi-va ca la doi pasi de Eilat se afla portul iordanian Aqaba, iar de aici, poti ajunge la Petra in vreo – ore, iar la Wadi Rum in maximum ore. Search on Skyscanner Visit wizzair. Alternative routes from Eilat to Sofia The route(s) below are departing from or arriving to other airports in the same city or very close.

Flights from Eilat to Luton start at NIS 1and from Luton to Eilat at €55. Prvý let sa uskutočnil dňa 19. Located at the southern-most tip of the country, within its small “window on the Red Sea”, Eilat is first and foremost a resort town these days, devoted to sun, fun, diving, partying and desert-based activities. Aici ai toate amanuntele cum sa te duci repede in Iordania sa vizitezi Petra, Wadi Rum, Aqaba si alte locuri faine. Spóroljon több ezer forintot utazásai alatt Revolut kártyával!
Tel Aviv with the company over the past five years.
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